Только полные Библии по языкам

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Только полные Библии по языкам

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1382, 1395WYC - Wycliffe's Bible - Джон Уиклиф
1526TYN - Tyndale Bible - Уильям Тиндейл
1535CVB - Coverdale Bible - Майлз Ковердейл
1537TMB - The Matthew Bible - Джон Роджерс
1539MSB - Most Sacred Bible - Ричард Тавернер
1540GB - The Great Bible - Майлз Ковердейл
1560GB - Geneva Bible -
1568BB - Bishops' Bible - Мэттью Баркер
1611KJV - King James Version - Ланселот Эндрюс
1752DRB - Challoner's revision of the Douay–Rheims Bible - Douay Bible House
1760Cambridge 'Standard' Edition - Фрэнсис Сойер Пэррис
1763Gill - John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible - Джон Гилл
1764QB - Quaker Bible - Public domain
1769Revised Standard Oxford Edition - Бенджамин Блейни
1792AGHB - The Holy Bible, or the Books Accounted Sacred by Jews and Christian - Александр Геддес
1799DMT - David Macrae Translation - Дэвид Макра
1799JMR - Revised Translation and Interpretation of the Sacred Scriptures - Джон Мид Рэй
1808LXXCT - Charles Thomson's The Holy Bible - Чарльз Томсон
1812FHB - The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments - Bible Society Philadelphia
1818JBHB - Holy Bible - Джон Беллами
1828An Exposition of the Old and New Testaments - Мэтью Генри
1830JST - Joseph Smith Translation - Publishing Committee
1833BOOT - New Family Bible - Boothroyd
1833WBT - Webster Bible - Ной Уэбстер
1841JCHB - The holy Bible, authorized version - John Childs and Son
1850FMHB - Holy Bible - Иосия Форсхалл, Фредерик Мэдден
1861LAS - The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments - Лестер Амброуз Сойер
1862YLT - Young's Literal Translation - Public Domain
1864JSFB - Jewish School and Family Bible - д-р Абрахам Бениш
1867IV - Inspired Version -
1876JSPT - Julia E. Smith Parker Translation - American Publishing Company
1885RV - Revised Version - Public Domain
1885, 1895PB - Pulpit Bible - Джозеф Паркер
1886TNB - Newberry Bible - Hodder and Stoughton
1890NBG - Numberical Bible - Loizeaux Brothers
1890DBY - Darby Bible - Holman Bible Publishers
1895, 1898WB - The Woman’s Bible - Элизабет Кейди Стэнтон
1895, 1898MRB - Modern Reader's Bible - Macmillan Publishers
1898ARV - American Revised Version -
1900PCE - KJV Pure Cambridge Edition - Cambridge University Press
1901ASV - American Standard Version - Филипп Шафф
1902ERB - Emphasized Bible - Джозеф Брайант Ротерхэм
1903FF - Ferrar Fenton Bible - Феррар Фентон
1912ABPS - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments: An Improved Edition - American Baptist Publication Society
1916AHHS - The Holy Scriptures - Александр Гаркави
1918SBK - The Shorter Bible - Charles Scribner's Sons
1919BSH - Bible Summarized Handbook - Кит Л. Брукс
1923HBW - The Holy Bible - Wordsworth
1924The Everyday Bible - Чарльз Монро Шелдон
1926CV - Concordant version - Concordant Publishing Concern
1927OCB - Older Children’s Bible - Macmillan Publishers
1929WVSS - Westminster Version - Westminster Bible
1930BDRL - Bible Designed to Be Read as Literature - Heinemann
1931, 1939AAT - An American Translation - University of Chicago Press
1933LBP - Lamsa Bible - Джордж М. Ламса
1934RNKJV - Restored Names King James Version -
1936The Holy Scriptures - Hebrew Publishing
1949KNX - Knox Bible - Рональд Арбутнотт Нокс
1950BRB - Bible Revised - Фрэнсис Бархам
1952, 1971RSV - Revised Standard Version -
1955HSMT - Holy Scriptures According To Masoretic Text - Jewish Publication Society
1956ASB - A Short Bible - Остин Фаррер
1957Anchor Bible Series - Уильям Фоксвелл Олбрайт
1957JBFR - Jewish Bible for Family Reading - Джозеф Гаер
1959MLB - Berkeley Version - Zondervan
1961TDB - Dartmouth Bible - Рой Буллард Чемберлин, Герман Фелдман
1962CKJV - Children's King James Version - McGraw-Hill Book Company
1962, 1976BECK - Beck's American Translation - Уильям Фредерик Бек
1963HNB - Holy Name Bible - Scripture Research Association
1965AMP - Amplified Bible - Zondervan; Lockman Foundation
1965BBE - Bible in Basic English - Cambridge University Press
1965RSV-CE - Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional -
1966JB - The Jerusalem Bible - Doubleday
1969MLB - The Modern Language Bible - Zondervan
1969CCD - Confraternity Bible - Benzinger Brothers
1969TBR - Bible Reader - Уолтер М. Эбботт, раввин Артур Норман Гилберт, Рольфе Ланье Хант, Джозеф Картер Суэйм
1970NAB - New American Bible -
1970NEB - The New English Bible - Cambridge University Press
1970SNB - Sacred Name Bible - Missionary Dispensary Bible Research
1971TAB - The abbreviated Bible - Van Nostrand Reinhold UK
1971TSB - The Story Bible - Bartholomew House
1971TLB - The Living Bible - Tyndale House Publishers
1971NRSVA - New Revised Standard Version Anglicised - Hendrickson Publishers
1971, 1995NASB - New American Standard Bible - Lockman Foundation
1972KJV20 - King James Version — Twentieth Century Edition - Сэр Джей Патрик Грин
1972By - The Bible in Living English - Стивен Трейси Баингтон
1972Logos - The Logos Bible - Logos International
1973TPB - Poetic Bible - Вео Греy
1973, 2006AV7 - The AV7 Bible - Communication Architects Publishing
1975WMF - Word Made Fresh - Baker Book House
1976IB - Interlinear Bible Hebrew/Greek/English - Baker Book House
1976, 1992GNB - Good News Bible - British and Foreign Bible Society
1978, 1980SEB - Simple English Bible - International Bible Translators; Bible Translation Committee
1978, 1984NIV - New International Version - Biblica
1979TLB-CE - The Living Bible — Catholic Edition - Tyndale House Publishers
1980RCB - Reese Chronological Bible - Эдвард Риз, Франк Р. Классен
1980TDB - Distilled Bible - P. Benjamin Publishers
1980TEB - The Easy Bible - Роберт Рид Такер
1981, 2016SSBE - Sacred Scriptures Bethel Edition - Assemblies of Yahweh
1982KJII - King James II Version - Сэр Джей Патрик Грин
1982RDB - Reader's Digest Bible - Reader's Digest Association
1982TLS - The Living Scriptures: Paraphrased - Tyndale House Publishers
1982NKJV - New King James Version - Thomas Nelson
1985LITV - Green's Literal Translation - Sovereign Grace Publishers
1985NJB - New Jerusalem Bible - Darton, Longman and Todd and Les Editions du Cerf
1986NLV - New Life Version - Глисон Ледьярд, Кэтрин Ледьярд
1987NCV - New Century Version - Thomas Nelson
1987, 1992ABT - The Targums - The Liturgical Press
1987, 1999MLV - Modern Literal Version - The Open Source Bible Translatio
1987, 2015AMP - Amplified Bible revision - Zondervan; Lockman Foundation
1988CCB - Christian Community Bible - Claretian Publications
1989REV - Revised English Version - Spirit & Truth Fellowship International
1989DBP - Dramatized Bible - Майкл Перри
1989NRSV - New Revised Standard Version - Hendrickson Publishers
1989ERV - Easy-to-Read Version - World Bible Translation Center
1989NRSV-CI - New Revised Standard Version Catholic Interconfessional - Oxford University Press
1990MKJV - Modern King James Version - Sovereign Grace Publishers
1991The Christian Bible: Its New Contract Writings Portion - Christian Bible Society
1992GNT-CE - Good News Bible Catholic Edition - Oxford University Press
1993ECB - exeGeses companion Bible - Герб Ян
1993NRSV-CE - New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition - Oxford University Press
1993, 2002MSG - The Message - Юджин Хойланд Петерсон
1994TCW - The Clear Word - Herald Publishing Association
1994KJ21 - 21st Century KJV - Deuel Enterprises
1995CTH - According to the Coptic text by G. Horner 1911 - Лэнс Дженотт
1995NASU - New American Standard Bible (Updated) - Lockman Foundation
1995RWB - Revised Webster Update -
1995GW - God’s Word Translation - Евгений Бунковский
1995CEV - Contemporary English Version - American Bible Society
1995NRSVACE - New Revised Standard Version Anglicised Catholic Edition - Hendrickson Publishers
1996SISR - Scriptures (ISR) - Institute for Scripture Research
1996, 1998NIrV - New International Reader's Version - Biblica
1996, 2001NET - The NET Bible - Biblical Studies Press
1996, 2004NLT - New Living Translation - Tyndale House Publishers
1996–2002NIVi - New International Version Inclusive Language Edition - Hodder & Stoughton
1997CEVUK - Contemporary English Version (Anglicised Version) - British and Foreign Bible Society
1997WMB - World Messianic Bible - Public Domain
1997WMBB - World Messianic Bible British Edition - Public Domain
1997WEBBE - World English Bible: British Edition - Public Domain
1997WEB - World English Bible - Public Domain
1998ARA - Aramaic Bible - Burbank
1998IEB - International English Bible - д-р Эндрю Джексон
1998TMB - Third Millennium Bible -
1998CJB - Complete Jewish Bible - Jewish New Testament Publications
1998DKJB - Defined King James Bible - Дональд Уэйт младший
1999ALT3 - Analytical-Literal Translation - Гэри Ф. Золла
1999BOY - Book of Yahweh - House of Yahweh
1999NMB - New Millenium Bible -
1999AKJV - American King James Version - Майкл Питер (Стоун) Энгельбрит
1999DSS - Dead Sea Scrolls Bible - Мартин Абегг, Питер Флинт, Юджин Ульрих
1999, 2003RcV - Recovery Version - Living Stream Ministry
2000SSFOY - Sacred Scriptures. Family of Yah Edition - Марк Боурон
2000UPDV - Updated Bible Version - Грег Абрамс
2000KJ2 - King James 2000 - д-р Роберт А. Курик
2000UKJV - Updated King James Version -
2000EJB - English Jubilee Bible - Рассел Мартин Стендаль
2000, 2018NMV - New Messianic Version Bible - TOV Rose
2001HSV - Holy Scriptures Version - Рабон Винсент-мл.
2001AEB - An American English Bible - Джим Уилер
2001IAV - Israeli Authorized Version -
2001GNT-US - Good News Translation (US Version) - American Bible Society
2001, 2007ESV - English Standard Version - Crossway Bibles
2002KJVER - KJVer Bible -
2002OJB - Orthodox Jewish Bible - AFI International Publishers
2002, 2004ABC - Apostles' Bible - Пол Эспозито
2003CKJV - Evidence Bible - Дональд Уэйт младший
2003The Aussie Bible - More Aussie Bible
2003CE - Clementine Edition -
2003CKJV - Crossword Project's KJV - CrossWire Bible Society
2003WOY - Word of Yahweh - The Assembly of Yahweh
2003NSB - New Simplified Bible - Джеймс Р. Мэдсен
2003NSBJ - New Simplified Bible Jehovah Version - Джеймс Р. Мэдсен
2003ABP - Apostolic Bible Polyglot - Чарльз Линн, Вандерпул
2004GAN - Good as New - John Hunt Publishing
2004IB - Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation - Sheed & Ward
2004RSTNE - Restoration Scriptures: True Name Edition - Моше Йосеф Кониуховский
2004ZSMS - Zikarown Say'fer Memorial Scroll - Джеймс Мейер
2004TLB-EMB - Every Man's Bible: New Living Translation -
2004HCSB - Holman Christian Standard Bible - Holman Bible Publishers
2004RHB - Restored Holy Bible -
2004, 2010HRV - Hebraic-Roots Version Scriptures - Institute for Scripture Research
2005KJV-CE - King James Version — Corrected Edition -
2005ACV - A Conservative Version - Уолтер Л. Портер
2005DTE - The Dabhar translation of the Bible - Фриц Хеннинг Баадер
2005NJV - The New Jubilees Version The Beloved and I: The Sacred Scriptures in English Verse - Томас МакЭлвейн
2005SN-KJ - Sacred Name Bible - Дания У. Меррик
2005TNIV - Today's New International Version - Biblica
2005NCPB - New Cambridge Paragraph Bible - Penquin
2005, 2018EE - EasyEnglish Bible - Wycliffe Bible Translators
2006AVU - Authorized Version Update -
2006LHB - Lighthouse Bible -
2006VW - A Voice in the Wilderness - Пол Беккер
2007MGB - Manga Bible -
2007, 2011ESV-UK - English Standard Version Anglicised - Crossway Bibles
2008CPB - Biblia Polyglotta Complutense -
2008MSTC - Modern Spelling Tyndale-Coverdale - Шон МакДоннелл
2008TFB - Free Bible - Крейг Ричмонд
2008NCB - New Community Bible -
2008MASV - Modern American Standard Version -
2008OSB - Orthodox Study Bible - Thomas Nelson
2008, 2013MCT - Mickelson Clarified Translation - Джонатан Микельсон
2009CBP - Conservative Bible Project - Эндрю Лейтон Шлафли
2009HS - HalleluYah Scriptures - HS Team
2009BSV - Bond Slave Version -
2009CPDV - The Sacred Bible - Public Domain
2009TS - The Scriptures - Institute for Scripture Research
2009Niobe - Niobi Study Bible - Ниоби Х. Уотсон
2009, 2012HRB - Hebraic Roots Bible - Word of Truth Publications
2010KJVer - King James Easy Reading Version -
2010WGCIB - Work of God Children Illustrated Bible - World Heritage Encyclopedia
2010CGV - Context Group Version -
2010NHEB - New Heart English Bible - United Bible Societies
2010NHEB-JM - New Heart English Bible Special Edition (Jesus Messiah) - United Bible Societies
2010NHEB-ME - New Heart English Bible Messianic Edition - United Bible Societies
2010NHEB-Y - New Heart English Bible (Yahweh Edition) - United Bible Societies
2010NHEB-YS - New Heart English Bible (YHWH Sabaoth Edition) - United Bible Societies
2010OEBUS - Open English Bible (USA) - Рассел Аллен
2010OEBw - Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spellings) - Рассел Аллен
2010, 2016OEB - Open English Bible - Рассел Аллен
2011DNKJB - Divine Name King James Bible - The Divine Name Publishers
2011RSB - Restoration Study Bible - Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
2011ESV-GSB - The ESV Global Study Bible - Good News Publishers
2011NEV - New European Version of the Bible - Carelinks Ministries
2011NIVUK - NIV Holy Bible — Anglicised - Biblica
2011ISV - International Standard Version - ISV Foundation
2011LEB - Lexham English Bible - Logos Bible Software
2011NABRE - New American Bible Revised Edition -
2011CEB - Common English Bible - Common English Bible Committee
2011, 2014NOG - Names of God Bible - Baker Publishing Group
2012BRG - BRG Bible -
2012HHBT - Hebrew Heritage Bible Translation -
2012MB - Mirror Bible - Mirrorword Publishing
2012TBE - Transparent English Bible - Джеймс Табор
2012TVB - The Voice - Ecclesia Bible Society
2012ACVI - A Conservative Version Reverse Interlinear - Уолтер Л. Портер
2012TLV - Tree of Life Version - Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society
2014LEV - Literal English Version of Scripture - Джонатан А. Браун
2014MEV - Modern English Version - Military Bible Association
2014t4t - Translation for Translators - Эллис В. Дейблер мл.
2015, 2021NHEB - New Heart English Bible - Public domain
2016NLT-CE - New Living Translation Catholic Edition - Tyndale House Publishers
2016, 2020BSB - Berean Standard Bible - Bible Hub
2017A Faithful Version - Фред Р. Коултер
2017CSB - Christian Standard Bible - Holman Bible Publishers
2017ULB - Unlocked Literal Bible -
2018ESV-CE - ESV Catholic Edition -
2018TBfE - The Bible for Everyone - Джон Голдингей, Том Райт
2018UDB - Unlocked Dynamic Bible -
2018UEB - Unlocked English Bible - Creative Commons
2019RNJB - Revised New Jerusalem Bible - Генри Уонсбро
2019THB - Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary - Роберт Альтер
2019NCB - New Catholic Bible - Catholic Truth Society
2019LES - Lexham English Septuagint: A New Translation - Lexham Press
2020CKJV - Corrected King James Version of the Whole Bible - Шон Кеннеди
2020KJVCA - King James Bible for Catholics -
2020LSV - Literal Standard Version -
2020BRB - Berean Reader's Bible - Bible Hub
2022UASV - Updated American Standard Version - Christian Publishing House
2022LSB - Legacy Standard Bible -
2022SKJV - Simplified KJV -
2023YS - Yah Scriptures -
2024ULT - unfoldingWord Literal Text -
2024UST - unfoldingWord Simplified Text -