Hebraic Roots Bible

Христианство / Библия / Современные переводы

Hebraic Roots Bible

Библия - английский язык

Hebraic Roots Bible (HRB)

2009, 2012

Издательство: Word of Truth Publications
Переводчик, редактор ...: Пол Эспозито

 - HRB

Дословный перевод.

 Бытие 1:1 In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth;"In the beginning" The first words of scripture and also the Hebrew name for Genesis called "B'rasheet". Elohim, a generic term used for deity in scripture roughly 2,500 times. The word in Hebrew is plural and shows the duality of the Yahweh family at creation,
2 and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of Elohim moving gently on the face of the waters,