Word Pictures in the New Testament

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Word Pictures in the New Testament

Новый Завет - английский язык

Word Pictures in the New Testament (RWP)


Переводчик, редактор ...: Арчибалд Томас Робертсон

 - RWP

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 Иоанна 3:16 (ουτως γαρ). This use of γαρ is quite in John's style in introducing his comments (Joh 2:25; Joh 4:8; Joh 5:13, etc.). This "Little Gospel" as it is often called, this "comfortable word" (the Anglican Liturgy), while not a quotation from Jesus is a just and marvellous interpretation of the mission and message of our Lord. In verses Joh 3:16-21 John recapitulates in summary fashion the teaching of Jesus to Nicodemus. Loved